Our History

Giacomo & Gioconda and the historical farmhouse “Cascina Faja”

The roots of our history are plunged in a territory rich in beauty and tradition, immerged between the hills of Langa and Monferrato. The road was traced when Giacomo and Gioconda, both heirs of two families of wine producers in Calosso active since the beginning of the century, made the brave choice of setting up a new independent project.

That’s the way our estate was founded at beginning of the ‘50s, when Giacomo & Gioconda decided to acquire the historical Cascina Fajaon the hills of Santa Libera di Canelli, one of the most suited areas for the production of Moscato d’Asti D.O.C.G., nowadays acknowledged by the registered designation “Moscato Canelli”.”.

From Cascina Valdirosa to the present

Our activities were initially set in the neighbourhoods of Cascina Faja and then progressively expanded with the acquisition of the farmhouse “Cascina Valdrosa” and of some vineyards in Calosso and Santo Stefano Belbo. These vineyards were accurately chosen according to exposition and soil character, bearing in mind the requirements for the different grapes.

Every member of the family gives his contribution to the estate. Today, Alessandro, who supported his father Giacomo since his young age, manages the estate together with his wine-technician son Flavio Giacomo, and Piera, Alessandro’s wife for 40 years. A tradition of winegrowers.

A tradition of winemakers



Territory and Biodiversity

Giacomo & Gioconda, together with their courage and passion for quality wines, left us a deep respect for territory and biodiversity.

Today we manage about 20 hectars of vineyards and every single passage – from vine growing to vinification – is carefully carried on wih the intend of exalting the character of what comes up in the vineyard.

We chose to handle directly every process of vine growing – from vineyard planting to harvest and bunch selection – so that we can adopt environmentally friendly methods of production, respecting the character of our territory and the health its inhabitants.

These have always been our inspiring principles. Today they translate into the strict respect of the regional rules and regulations concerning integrated and sustainable agriculture, certified by the “flying bee”, mark of the SQNPI quality system.

Sustainable Quality

But that’s not the whole story. We pay constant attention to the new growing techniques in order to reach the highest standard of sustainable quality, as an indicator of the respect we tribute to the land we borrowed and we will pass to our sons and daughters. For this reason, for example, ee perform mechanical weeding with no chemical aid, and we privilege natural fertilisers as opposed to artificial ones. Our commitment to get better is constant, and we stay aware that – as dad and grandpa Giacomo used to say:

“not every vintage is good for bottling”.

We are partners of FIVI,
Italian Independent Winegrowers Federation

We recently joined the FIVI, Italian Independent Winegrowers Federation, since we identify in the values and principles of the association.


We grow are own grapes and we bottle are our wines.


We personally and directly handle the whole producing process, from the vineyard to the bottle and the sales management.

Siamo FIVI perché

We have great respect for our work and wine-making regulations: healthy grapes do not need artificial processing in the winery.

We are proud of our choice, and we invite you to discover FIVI

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FEASR Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale: L’Europa investe nelle zone rurali

  • La nostra azienda aderisce alla Misura 10.1.1 del PSR 2014-2020 della Regione Piemonte che finanzia la realizzazione delle tecniche di agricoltura integrata. La Misura 10.1.1 prevede il rispetto delle norme tecniche che regolamentano i trattamenti fitosanitari e le concimazioni dei nostri vigneti e terreni in conduzione. Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020 Misura 10 - Pagamenti Agro-climatico Ambientali Sottomisura - 10.1.1 Produzione integrata Adesione alle tecniche di Produzione integrata

© Giacomo Scagliola  - P.iva e c.f. 00256150053