White wines

White Wine “Il vecchio Biancospino”

  • Grape
    White grapes
  • Soil
  • Training
  • Harvest
    Manual harvest in 20 kg cases around the second decade of September, according to grape ripeness.
  • RESA /HA
    About 10 tons
  • Alcohol
    12% vol.
  • Vinification

    Traditional vinification with immediate separation of the skins from the must through pressing. Controlled temperature fermentation is then performed, followed by a period of resting on the lees as to make the wine rounder. Isobaric bottling is performed after filtration.

  • Serving Temperature and food matching

    10-12° C.
    Excellent as an aperitif and a good match for first and main courses based on fish.

  • Vitigno
    White grapes
  • Soil
  • Forma di allevamento
  • Vendemmia
    Manual harvest in 20 kg cases around the second decade of September, according to grape ripeness.
  • RESA /HA
    About 10 tons
  • Gradazione Alcolica
    12% vol.
  • Vinificazione

    Traditional vinification with immediate separation of the skins from the must through pressing. Controlled temperature fermentation is then performed, followed by a period of resting on the lees as to make the wine rounder. Isobaric bottling is performed after filtration.

  • Temperatura di servizio

    10-12° C.
    Excellent as an aperitif and a good match for first and main courses based on fish.

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FEASR Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale: L’Europa investe nelle zone rurali

  • La nostra azienda aderisce alla Misura 10.1.1 del PSR 2014-2020 della Regione Piemonte che finanzia la realizzazione delle tecniche di agricoltura integrata. La Misura 10.1.1 prevede il rispetto delle norme tecniche che regolamentano i trattamenti fitosanitari e le concimazioni dei nostri vigneti e terreni in conduzione. Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020 Misura 10 - Pagamenti Agro-climatico Ambientali Sottomisura - 10.1.1 Produzione integrata Adesione alle tecniche di Produzione integrata

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