Before soft pressing, vinification starts with a maceration for about 8 hours in the pneumatic press as to extract colour. Fermentation is then carried on at controlled temperature (about 17° C). The must is subsequently refrigerated in order to stop fermentation and keep carbon dioxide inside the wine. Clearing is performed through several filtrations, followed by isobaric bottling.
10-12° C.
Typical pairing is with sweets (biscuits, pastry and pies) and with summer fruit like strawberries,peaches, raspberries.
Before soft pressing, vinification starts with a maceration for about 8 hours in the pneumatic press as to extract colour. Fermentation is then carried on at controlled temperature (about 17° C). The must is subsequently refrigerated in order to stop fermentation and keep carbon dioxide inside the wine. Clearing is performed through several filtrations, followed by isobaric bottling.
10-12° C.
Typical pairing is with sweets (biscuits, pastry and pies) and with summer fruit like strawberries,peaches, raspberries.
FEASR Fondo Europeo Agricolo per lo Sviluppo Rurale: L’Europa investe nelle zone rurali
La nostra azienda aderisce alla Misura 10.1.1 del PSR 2014-2020 della Regione Piemonte che finanzia la realizzazione delle tecniche di agricoltura integrata. La Misura 10.1.1 prevede il rispetto delle norme tecniche che regolamentano i trattamenti fitosanitari e le concimazioni dei nostri vigneti e terreni in conduzione. Programma di sviluppo rurale 2014-2020 Misura 10 - Pagamenti Agro-climatico Ambientali Sottomisura - 10.1.1 Produzione integrata Adesione alle tecniche di Produzione integrata